Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Live tweets from the Canary Islands.

These last two days in the Canary Islands has been very fun and fairly relaxing. We have discovered some random things about the islands, such the fact that they aren't named after the birds at all; the birds are actually named after the island. The name comes from Island of the Canines. Weird, right?

I had my friend who is quite knowledgeable with the ICT world to attempt to configure my computer so that I can send pictures! Fingers crossed that it all works out! I noticed that the Blogger application on my phone that I have been using tends to put the pictures in a random order; hopefully, this will sort that problem out. If not, at least I tried! And the pictures may not be very big or of the best quality, but it's something. I can't guarantee I'll have wifi for another week or so!

Day one, Bronwyn and Katie joined me as we roamed through a HUGE market in one part of Santa Cruz. This place had everything you could possibly imagine as far as stuff goes. A plethora of undergarments, random flea market stands that sold various household goods, clothing stands, and lots of cheap sunglasses. No food, but still pretty cool. After pursuing that and grabbing some food and water, the 3 of us headed to one of the golden beaches. We spent the afternoon there in all the random weather. One second, it'd be sun shiny and gorgeous, and then the next thing you know it's raining! We had an odd assortment of of sun showers, too.

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